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Monday 3 August 2020


White screen, my mind, but I can hear churning behind

Taunting me with dust particles of memories  

They come fleetingly to me and then leave;

rewired, nerve nuclear-lined highways, 

all in the same surreptitious instance

This putrid deep pit, where my stomach once lived; 

muffles my pain, dulled by it's heavy set void of emptiness 

My echoed mute screams, erodes all my dreams

Vibrations... all I’ve left to feel, in this someone called ”Me”

who I hear whisper... dissociatively

Nausea chokes in my throat like an acrid, vile smoke 

My taste, paralysed with the sting of delusion I once willfully ingested  

My eternal thirst grows from my quicksand life’s hole

Each grain from the hourglass chimes...

reminds me of my precious time, squandered futilely  

Oh how do I find, my way out of this labyrinth of lull

This grotesque colourless light, which strips my eyes

of all the layers and layers of years’ sights; 

of things I can’t quite catch or recount to mention 

To evade, perhaps, was my plight... but to forget was never my intention

How then, can I not drown in this tear-drenched sound 

Abandoned to a destiny, shackled in dense air’s suspension 

Does anyone remember me back then...

as all I can recall is a sepia faint soul 

A painful burnt parchment, I was supposed to hold onto and cherish 

Dreams turned torture long ago... I was left to float 

Yet anchored by hope, to a lie in subterfuge sold;

that I’ve clung to for many a yesteryear, desperately 

Death would be a relief but numbness is a thief 

and refuses me the strength of will now to enter 

I can’t find my way back, through this matrix of clues

Past all the fake facades, swathed in self-hatred 

I’m now trapped and embalmed, begging for time to recant 

Motionless laid... within the fast lane 

Deafened, by my own tachycardic heart’s pointless beating 

So if you can remember me and I shared with you, dreams

Please, come walk me though my mind’s wilting vestiges. 

© Debbie Razey 2020 - Violet Moon Poetry.

Poem and art

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