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Tuesday 17 September 2019



Through gilt worded vows I no longer fly 
Trapped unseen between mere shadow lit bars  
Cost of ego; ignored fate’s whispered sighs 
Forged in love’s lies our funeral pyre tarred 

Now damned to dwell beneath jewelled lined skies 
Wistful eyes sombre trace Orion’s belt  
With lofty looks where once my heart roamed free 
But with naught such comfort that I once felt 

For love you see imprisoned me with chains 
I am now shackled upon bended knee 
Soul tightly tethered in cast iron frame 
No more warm thermals will I glide upon 
With notions of romance I’ve gone insane 
Only in deaths trite tryst can I hear song 

© Debbie Razey 2019 - Violet Moon Poetry


you linger on the 
precipice of my conscience 
toiling... out of reach 
taunting, torturous regret
denies me chance... to forget 

© Debbie Razey 2019 - Violet Moon Poetry