Thursday 20 April 2023

Relinquish Me


Oh hush my threadbare heart, don't cry 

Moon’s frankincense soothes twilight skies  

I know not whence, or where, or why 

Stars court... malefic, incubus sighs 

Yet in sheer lapse of lumined gaze 

I puzzle through thine umbra shades

Seek dissident... enkindled blaze 

Cease sindark’s voidward, wanton ways

Extinguish... cantrip’s darkling deeds

As on my flesh and mind thou feeds

Relinquish... acquiescent needs 

Within my blood thine ash still bleeds  

Oh Seraphim... knowest I have tried 

To rid taint’s shadow from mine eyes 

Fury maketh... silhouette’s disguise 

Thy crestfallen heart bade my demise 

Beneath my skin... thou will not rest 

Thou art entombed within love’s breast 

Excoriates... stalls ‘beat and breath

Fear thou shan’t leave me... ‘til I‘m dead! 

© Debbie Razey 2023 - Violet Moon Poetry