Sunday 2 October 2022

Autumnal Bygone Days


Autumn whispers secrets of those who have gone before
Amber, Auburn pirouetting leaves... scarlet, saffron
Falling tree debris... bright fire rain, russet, sanguine tones
Crispy crunchy, staccato steps... symphony’s cyclone 

Squirrels hoard buried treasure troves… forest tree pantries 
Kaleidoscope... leafed-fairy wings, waltz upon the breeze 
Bare, skeletal trees disrobed... in moonlit shadows moan 
Schoolyard conkers, hibernating hedgehogs... snuggly homes 

Decorations, weeping willow tears… Ole Hallows’ Eve 
Witches, skeletons, vampires, ghosts... children cloaked in glee
Families enjoy traditions… ancient festivals 
Priceless moments shared... magic, mystery, fun-filled awe 

Foggy, frosty Fall’s stark morns… home-baked blackberry pies 
Pumpkin spice, treacle toffee… trick-or-treat candy smiles 
Rosy cheeks, woollen hats and scarves… searching for lost gloves
Cold hands warmed, by dear loved one’s breath… cosy blanket hugs 

Firework spectacular skies... Catherine Wheel lit-eyes.
Neighbours encircled, stacked bonfires... enkindled, hailed cries
Guy Fawkes’ eerie effigy... consumed by leaping flames 
Glowing hearts, red toffee apples... sparklers signing names 

Days drew in... darker dawns, velvet nights; hearth glowed ablaze! 
Starry bedtime stories... loving pooch, Pearl’s faithful ways 
Making pom-poms, pies, knitting... singing Oklahoma 
Autumnal yesterday’s shades of you... Dearest Grandma 

© Debbie Razey 2022 - Violet Moon Poetry
Art made with AI on photoleap