Friday 29 April 2022

Art Lab

~ A.R.T.L.A.B ~

Through an oversized, biohazard signed door led 

Into meshed-fenced pen, beneath an ambient sea of red 

Made of reinforced steel; towering at least eight feet high 

On a full moon cast night... under a May, spring sky 

Feeling euphoric buzz rise… of a chemical daze 

Waiting eagerly at door of a private party rave

A.R.T.L.A.B. it was called... now a legendary rave

Down an alien-headed, welded staircase was led 

Into dark bowels of a warehouse; techno lair daze 

There, a wall of music hit me… fractured by strobes red

Blackwashed floor, walls and windows; UV-painted sky 

Where both Hippies and Punks danced away the night... high 

Floor’s thundering vibration... all minds and spirits high 

Hard Trance beat, penetrates… intoxicates the rave

Thick white smoke bellows... creating atmospheric daze 

Floating hands; angled movements sequenced… elation led

Eyes ablaze and mouths contorted; cheeks blushed... blood red 

All arms raised in air… serpentine in lightwave’s sky 

Soaring now on music… with Lucy in the sky 

Levitating in moment... on dopamine’s high

Strangers all-embracing… encircling spotlight red

Everyone loving each other… art, culture, rave!

Mere rats, to the music’s Pied Piper… DJ led

Riding the undulation... into oblivion’s sky 

Across the dance floor... wide-eyed constellation sky 

Frenzied stomping feet… dance in a hyped,

marching daze 

Quickening to crescendo... from the decks we’re led 

Bursting into applause and waving glow sticks high 

Bouncing floors, pulsating walls, of a 90s rave 

Abstract, gurning, ‘Dali’ Faces… eyes all blood-shot red! 

Suddenly from basements darkness… lazor pointers red 

Unwelcome daylight pierces dance floor… rude dawn’s sky 

Police in full riot regalia… storm the rave 

Lovers huddled in corners… now in panicked daze

All scrambling to seem sober… to dispel their high 

Ravers, still dancing, but in handcuffs… outside led! 

Hedonistic youth’s daze… faded, now sunset red… 

Today, frequent calmer sky… as age quelled the high 

Now, in only dreams rave, halcyon days… once led 

©  2022 - Violet Moon Poetry #sestina