Monday 28 February 2022

Inked Fingers


Inked fingers bleed into the night… my soul

My pen speaks truth; manifests inked black-gold 

Spun poetry, it dances round the page

Whispering  ancients; they are my sage 

For what's the use of ammunition-ink;

If we don't use our words… make others think?

For God's sake, this world is haemorrhaging 

Atrocities stacked up; they are our sins

You may say, “Not me! I've done nothing wrong”

The “Nothing” in your retort IS what’s wrong! 

What did you do when Palestine cried out?

Or when homeless souls, in need, “help” did shout?

Sign petition… China’s internment camps?

Against paedophilia... make a stand? 

Help to bring to end modern slavery? 

Campaigned that all medical care be free?

Help to teach next generation’s minds?

Make world more accessible to the blind? 

Learn to speak sign language… another tongue?

Stand against human rights abolishment? 

Acknowledge privilege… or stay silent?

Speak out against political tyrants? 

Did you campaign against brutality? 

Stand up and take accountability? 

Respect and celebrate diversity? 

Embrace all souls you met with empathy?

Show compassion to others' mental health?

Challenge misinformation; fed screen stealth? 

Defend all those bullied in the schoolyard? 

Help traumatized people deal... with their scars? 

What is your stance on plight of refugees?

Do you accept all sexualities? 

Can you recite pronouns; gender’s spectrum? 

Are you actively against all racism? 

Do you campaign to stamp out all fascism? 

Support free speech, free choice and activism? 

Do you enable disabilities? 

Will you help, free oppressed from slavery? 

Have you raised money for a charity?

Spent quality time with the elderly?

Campaigned against animal cruelty? 

Shamed all capitalism’s oligarchy? 

Helped to make our planet forever green?

Cast light, on plights; communities in need? 

Stopped judging people on their appearance? 

Tried to stop ethnic; eugenic clearance? 

Would you speak up if witnessed sexism?

Stop discrimination through religion?

Now value all people more than your wealth?

Do your strive to understand addiction?

Help heal crime through rehabilitation?

Try make amends for cruel ancestors?

Help reclaim lands for the indigenous?

Stand up against domestic violence?

Ditch apathetic ways and tardiness?

Honour all cultural diversities?

Learn our failings' lessons from history?

Ask everyone is payed a living wage?

Make politicians serve, not act on stage?

Make sure everyone has food, clean water?

Protect the innocent from mass slaughter?

Make feelings clear on war zones..Ukraine's


I call to Poets... raise your pens to fight

It's time to use your words to make a change

Help speak for those who can't... let verses rage

Let's be the balm to wars that harm our world

Let Lennon's, Marley's words again unfurl

Through ink spoken... let's try to right our wrongs

ONE LOVE, all we need; let this be... our song!!!

© Debbie Razey 2022 - Violet Moon Poetry