Saturday 2 November 2019

picked me 
up paused and 
put me back down 
my voice 
without a sound 
for though I weap 
know as 
you left me 
here with naught but 

 © Debbie Razey 2019 - Violet Moon Poetry 

don’t like 
my rainbows in 
the snow I yearned 
but now 
you’ll never know
I’m left bereft shaking
cold as 
you don’t like 
my rainbows in the 

© Debbie Razey 2019 - Violet Moon Poetry 

Blue Ceiling Skies

I can still smell you
See your blue pitched ceiling 
Sense your wanton kisses on my skin
Feel the warm electric waves ripple and rise from my inner thighs 
Leaving my stomach and chest fluttering  

I can see your face 
To me you’ll not age 
Oh how I wanted you as we laid
Listening to Layne’s haunting pain... guttural vibration in veins  
Suspended in air we took our first taste 

Your gentle brown eyes
Your delicious dark smile
We were inseparable for a while
Happily ever after I wanted: I was disappointed 
Naively believing... I was but a child    

Vinyl cover thumbed 
Our fervour echoes, hums
When I hear an Alice In Chains song 
In me etched, though you’ve long since disappeared, just as back then I feared
Captured forever in Layne’s tortured lungs

But I’m no longer 
Left in cold to wander 
On angry chair fallen asunder 
For now I’m in true arms of grace, your bitter pill made sweet my taste
Would I now know love, without you
...I wonder 

@ Debbie Razey 2019 - Violet Moon Poetry 


Zipped away from the world's harsh realities, is where I choose to be
Cushioned by love and belief; daydreams, hope and love of the ethereal  
Basking in art, music, nature and of course, star-spun poetry

It's kinder here; I'm protected, gently cradled deep within my mind
In the silken, gossamer chamber I allow my hope and dreams to frequent
Somewhere that only a kindred, like-minded soul, could..,ever find 

Here is where my dreams are cocooned in safety; lie in a crystallised form
As I’m too delicate for the spinning air of hatred, harsh words and harmful deeds
Here I'm hidden from life's cruel whirlwind's; from the eye of its tempestuous storm 

I reside here, alone, often: biding my time, drinking in the nectar of imagination
Watching images dance, my senses swirl and feeding my soul serenading melodies 
Healing; opening, purifying my mind; beginning my gold-fused, Kintsugi, transformation   

Perceiving through pure-of-heart, untainted filters; teaching myself to, once again, see 
Getting stronger each day; a new sense of self worth... acceptance and understanding 
Allowing myself love, patience and recuperation; allowing myself just... to be 
Knowing one day soon I'll emerge wiser, reborn, radiant and unencumbered
Spreading my strong, lovelaced wings so I can, at last, love myself and soar... free! 

© Debbie Razey 2019 - Violet Moon Poetry.

It's Time

It’s Time 

Oppression, depression, lies, spin and greed
Poverty, hostility... causing people to be in need
Wars, laws, institutions... manipulated and abused
Abandoned, bludgeoned...the people left confused

Polluted, diluted truth... not seen, heard or told
Debts: VETs maimed for what... control and black gold?
Poverty... commodity valued higher than people
Homeless: heartless... the disabled and vulnerable culled 

Harassment... embarrassment, body shaming; media to blame
Fillers, filters, beauty off-kilter... the world’s now gone insane  
Sexual abuse, domestic abuse, rape... not safe in our own homes  
Gambling, borrowing... exorbitant Pay Day extortionate loans 

Stress, depression... anaesthetising prescription drug misuse   
Big Pharma’s blatant, callous greed... it’s the suffering they abuse   
PTSD, anxiety...  why can’t we just be kind?
Jealousy, insensitivity... invisible disease and broken minds

Shootings, lootings, stabbings... murder and terrorist attacks
Paedophilia, nuclear arms... politicians or mythomaniacs?  
Hunger, torture... refugee camps are now an epidemic
Racism, sexism, homophobia: hatred... a pandemic 

Bigotry... derogatory attitudes towards differing faiths and beliefs
Killings, bombings, bloodshed... the world saturated in grief
Dictatorship with censorship... Big Brother in our homes  
Docile, none-tactile... social media makes us feel alone

Empathy now apathy... we have been divided to be ruled
Compassion’s not in fashion... comforting a child can get you sued  
Texting, sexting... there’s no intimacy to be found on screens
Home alone... a computer or phone can’t hold you when you scream 

Is this what, for our children, we want... fear isolation and misery?
Isn’t it time to question our ways, challenge what we’re drip fed... disbelieve?
Time, our Age now re-engages... learns what humanity is heading towards     
It’s time to unite against our plights; make a stand and say... No More!

@ Debbie Razey 2019 - Violet Moon Poetry 