Friday 4 October 2019

Peace Stealer (Chronic Illness)


When your loved one’s dying at your hospital bed 
And what once was love feels more like resentment instead
When the pain is too raw so you retreat and feel numb 
When you want to live but fear you're already dead 

When your skin craves warmth but just can't handle the sun
And when your food won't stay down yet you still weigh a tonne
When you hate your reflection but you need from it more! 
When you crave adventure but are too tired for fun

Would to close be to open another Hell’s door
And would I still feel I'm falling if I lie on floor
Would I do things differently?!? To get same outcome????
Would I love less intensely so to feel less sore 

All I know it's a spectrum, different sides, same coin
So if I'd lived oppositely we'd still be adjoined 
All our words, choices and actions, add up to soul's sum 
Self worth’s not just good health... from illness peace is purloined 

© Debbie Razey 2019 - Violet Moon Poetry


Crimson drops on porcelain tiles
Tear stained tracks she rode on for miles
Conjuring nightmares stole her days
He left and yet the darkness stayed 

The sparks they gave did not ignite 
An inward peace which was her plight 
Pills, though many, would not oblige
To cease the moon caught in her eyes 

Negatives of what might have been 
Hued tragic Shakespearean scene 
In crawlspace she once more retreats 
Red stretcher glides... snow underneath

Half became whole, two became one 
Ripped apart, their lament lives on
Empty locked box where grid was found
Gave world her words... left without sound 

© Debbie Razey 2019 - Violet Moon Poetry