Saturday 6 July 2019

Insomniac Poet Heart

Insomniac Poet-heart

Silver laced words stick fast in my dream-caught thoughts 
Glint... in the tussled tendrils of the one-eyed sultry sunrise
Each dissipating, frustratingly, into the moist songbird-air

Hovering, only for a fraction of a moment, on my dry mute tongue
So I may taste bitterly, all the once possibilities.... never to be penned
Never to be heard... lost to rotate indefinitely on rhyme’s carousel 

Torn... between two plains of consciousness I hear my mind unconsciously 
Fracture my faint vail of sanity, causing me yet more complexities 
As inaudible echoes of unseen-light tease... my insomniac poet-heart

© Debbie Razey 2019 - Violet Moon Poetry