Sunday 11 September 2016

September Sky

Fifteen years on and still the tall twin towers' shadows... 
they forebodingly linger 
Loom ominously and smoulder... 
etched in the mind's eye of everyone 

The skyline of Humanity's hope... 
bloodstained, forever sanguine 
Still weeps torrents of tears down dusty ashen, ghostly... 
shock-stricken faces
As we continue to choke and smother... 
engulfed by the foul stench of copious conspiracies and lies

Many ears still relentlessly ringing... 
within a cacophony of alarms, sirens and gut wrenching wailing 
by the answerphone messages of lovers, sons, mothers... 
exchanging their final goodbyes

So let us all take a minute to be grateful for our lives, families, health...
our endless multitude of privileges 
As we remember, how the loved ones of others... 
pirouetted and rained
from that horrendous... sepia September... solemn sky.

© Debbie Razey 2016