Saturday 24 January 2015

Let This Be Our Hour! (Mirrored Sestet)

Insane ideologies causing too many hearts to pump around pain

Pain felt both mentally and physically from the world gone insane 

Hate ravishing whole countries; for many, early death will be their fate

Fate sealed by retribution, as grows the sickness... the contagious hate

Hour by hour, more are conscripted and enslaved by anger's potent power 

Power enslaving the vulnerable, hope diminishing... humanity's darkest hour 

Few are the protagonists, the dictators and yet to them we all bow and hew

Hew instead to pure peace from within... one who loves will never be too few

Blaze light... a beacon for all to see; be a torch of compassion out of hate's maze

Mazed be not, by fear and trepidation, let your convictions and truth ignite. Blaze!

Hour by hour let love conduit into hearts of the repressed, through empathic power 

Power be to the people, free from war, oppression and hate... let this be humanity's finest hour! 

© Debbie Razey 2015