Saturday 1 November 2014

Steam Punk Girl

She's hybrid; runs off air and steam
With heart so big; demeanour mean 
She takes no shit and stands her ground
Sensual... yet fighting machine 

For breakfast vodka often downed
Her antics often will astound
As she is no walking cliche 
She's smart her ethics are profound

She cares not what gossips will say
Earth's enemies; no qualms she slays 
Her veins infused with blood and oil
Strong ally; she will not betray 

Life's injustice makes her blood boil
Her heart is half ingnition coil
Cares deeply for vulnerable 
In evil deeds she's not embroiled 

So never judge the colourful
However weird; unusual
For she's a friend that we all need
She's in truth rather wonderful! 

 © Debbie Razey 2014

Our Own Private Work Of Art

Intoxicated by your scent
I breathe you deeply in
My head upon your rise and fall
I hear your heartbeat sing
Echoing the love I feel
Your beat and mine collide
Bursting into butterflies
Our love adorns the skies 

Reflecting light within the stars
Your eyes gaze down on me
With smile awash upon your face
You set soaring my soul free
I drink your every detail in 
The chiseled lines which define 
Your skin beneath my fingertips 
Oh how I need you... deep inside 

Not only in the physical sense 
But to frequent my lonely heart
Residing there for the rest of time
Our own private work of art
So when you take me in your arms
And I get lost in you 
I know there is no need to fear
For you're inside me too

 © Debbie Razey 2014