Wednesday 23 July 2014

Monsters (haiku)

'monster' dreams wake me
but this time they're my daughter's
- history repeats

Debbie Razey 2014 

Gypsy Roseanne

Gypsy Roseanne 

Roseanne, a gypsy born and bred
Her mammy, daddy long since dead
She'd fled the other travellers
When they'd arranged for her to wed

Wise, psychic like her grandmothers
Sought from the occult her answers
Tarot, Palmistry, Crystal Ball
Wild with wanderlust; a rambler

Ebony hair, slender and tall
Sanguine lips; to their knees they'd fall
Olive skin, melanite eyes
Curvaceous figure, wrapped in shawl

Her journey guided by the skies
Each destination a surprise
Vardo the only home she knew
Her Shire horse was her only tie

Witnessed the seasons every hue
From driving seat took in the views
She'd had her share of dalliance
To love she'd always bid adieu

Elusive aura; chatoyant
Revelled in Nature's ambience
Her days were few but filled with joy
She was transient

© Debbie Razey 2014