Thursday 29 May 2014

Sapphire moon (haiku)

sapphire jewelled moon 
crystal clear mirror-image
-  precious clarity


Debbie Razey 2014

Child-like Daydreams

There is still a little doe-eyed, young girl that nestles deep within the depths of me
Silently peaking out through the keyhole of life's grand door at all the wonder
Chasing alabaster faces and shapes within the clouds; in awe of what I see
I revel in day-dreams, myths, childhood fables, fantasies and legends of the like
All grown up on the outside and somewhat worn by life's realities sharp knife
Undettered and steadfast; my innocence of thought and feeling intact, despite.

Like Alice in 'Through The Looking Glass' I wish to frequent majestic lands of myth
To ride upon clouds of candy floss and cotton wool, feel stardust between my toes
Jump, soar, fly with wings of amber embroidered lace; from the highest chalk white cliff
Visit the notorious Never Never Land and become a salty, sea-worthy pirate, for a day
I'd find Enid Blyton's 'Faraway Tree' and sit beguiled upon the hovering 'Wishing Chair'
Hitch a ride in a silver, tin foil spaceship to the galaxy, sun and star-studded Milky Way

Follow a trail of candy, cake, pretzels and popcorn like Hansel and Gretel did before 
Wear a hood of sanguine velvet given by my grand-mama and thwart the sly old gnarly wolf 
Climb the dark green luscious beanstalk until my legs grow tired and can climb no more
Sail away in a mahogany boat with 'The Owl And The Pussy Cat' on a tranquil turquoise sea
I'd pay the three bears' thatched cottage a visit and don the 'Emperor's New Clothes'
My princess status confirmed, as from under a multicoloured patchwork, I'd declare the pea.

Skipping to the Emerald City in gingham and ruby attire, accompanied by courageous friends
Take a picnic to the Hundred Acre Wood and go for a spin in Mr Toad's fabulous motor car
Sliding down eternal rainbows of vibrant, fluorescent colours within a kaleidoscope lens
I'd befriend a tawny wooden boy-like puppet, whose nose grows long through words of ill
Whistling while working, my house would become immaculate with the aid of woodland friends 
Eating toot sweets, magic moon cheese and levitating bubble gum until I've had my fill

I'd flee the ball in a chauffeur-driven pumpkin, pulled by suited mice wearing ebony shiny shoes
Go bottling dreams aplenty with 'The BFG'; search for 'The Gruffalo' within 'The Enchanted Wood'
Cast down my hair from a turret and be kissed by a handsome prince to break my snooze
Anyway, it's time for me to depart from the fairy realm, where unicorns do bask and play
The tide has turned, the sky's now drawn violet and 'Huckleberry Finn' grows fractious
It's time to awaken and face the humdrum normality of a real, down to earth, big girl day! 

© Debbie Razey 2014

Sequin Sky (haiku)

night sky above us
adorned with shiny sequins 
- colours permeate 


Debbie Razey 2014

Fairy tale (haiku)

three small children sit
in awe; classic fairy tale 
.....youth revisited 


Debbie Razey 2014