Monday 26 May 2014

Respect Diversity

Each bulb an individual
Fashioned from wire, copper and glass
All varying in their wattage
Size, shape, fittings, lustre and hue

Some enhance visibility
Enlighten; make the unseen clear
Others create, emulate mood
Highlight danger, guide, give a cue

All fragile in disposition
Each one relevant and with task
Open to manipulation
Some are bayonet and some screw

The point is - all are relevant
Even when dimmed, or beneath shade
As with us, current flows through them
Once shattered can't be fixed... made new

So like bulbs treat people with care
Celebrate unique qualities
Respect their diverse attributes 
Appreciate all, not a few

© Debbie Razey 2014 

Vapour (haiku)

iridescent sky
serpentine vapour river
- leading me to you 


Debbie Razey 2014 

Combat PTSD

a soldier no more
physically in one piece
- war within fights on...


© Debbie Razey 2014