Saturday 24 May 2014

Addicted (mirror cinquain)


Yearning, craving
Your touch, your smell, your taste....
Licking, biting, teasing, your lust;

Left me
Addicted; needing to 
Quench; satisfy my thirst for you
Once more

Debbie Razey 2014

Heat (haiku)

heat intensifies -
loves pure, moist elixir soothes
inward wanton ache


Debbie Razey 2014

Empty seats (haiku)

empty are the seats 
where our love sat and whispered
- dreams to big to hold


Debbie Razey 2014

A ripple in time (haiku)

day transcends the sky
reflected  in water's sheen 
- a ripple in time 


Debbie Razey 2014!