Tuesday 1 April 2014


N o one should ever deter you
E very opportunity grasp with a smile
V irile will is what's needed
E ven when all seems futile
R easons should not become excuses

G ratitude will stand you in good stead
I mpossible can always be conquered
V ivacity is infectious and spreads
E motions may prove a distraction

U pward struggles may have to be climbed
P assion, belief and courage - 'seek and you will find'

© Debbie Razey 2015

Sinking (Mirror Cinquain)

Sinking (Mirror Cinquain)

He casts

a plethora 
of woven words to save 
her from a disconnected sea 
She sinks

by her own heart; unrequited
love never spent; stole loves
key and left her
sealed shut

April Fools

April Fools

It's that time of year again - April fools
I must, this year, be sure to play by the rules
As after twelve noon,
(believe me it comes around soon)
the fool is then the prankster 
Be warned,  if you're a chancer
as this has happened to me before;
others chastized until they were sore
This year I must get it right, 
I do not wish to be contrite
To end up with egg on my face
would be a huge fall from grace
One which  I do not wish to repeat;
In fact I may indeed retreat
I think I may stay here, tucked up in bed,
'till after, at least, the watershed.

Debbie Razey 2014